O the friends that now are waiting, In the cloudless realms of day, Who are calling me to follow Where their steps have led the way; They have laid aside their armor, And their earthly course is run; They have kept the faith with patience And their crown of life is won.
They are calling, gently calling, Sweetly calling me to come, And I’m looking through the shadows For the blessèd lights of home.
They have laid aside their armor For the robe of spotless white; And with Jesus they are walking Where the river sparkles bright. We have labored here together, We have labored side by side, Just a little while before me They have crossed the rolling tide.
On those dear familiar faces There will be no trace of care; Every sigh was hushed forever At the palace gate so fair. I shall see them, I shall know them, I shall hear their song of love, And we’ll all sing hallelujah In our Father’s house above.
Lights of Home Hymn
Lyrics to Lights of Home a traditional, old Christian hymn and song
Printable words of Lights of Home old classic hymn
Lights of Home, an old and traditional online song of praise and worship
Free and downloadable words and lyrics
Lights of Home - a traditional and classic old hymn
Inspirational words of the Lights of Home traditional, old hymn
Enjoy the lovely words and lyrics of Lights of Home, the traditional, classic old hymn and Christian song. This Printable version of Lights of Home is an old hymn of praise and worship which is suitable for all Christian denominations. These online, free lyrics to this old, classic Christian Hymn and song Lights of Home can be printed and used to create a personalised hymn book.