I’ll count my blessings Wedding HymnI lift my heart today in praise To Him Who loves me so, Whose mercy crowneth all my days, And makes my cup o’erflow. O have I loved Him as I should For all His blessings free? Praise God Who giveth naught but good, For He is good to me!
I’ll count my blessings— Count them o’er and o’er— I’ll tell my Father’s goodness— I will love Him more, I’ll count my blessings, bountiful and free— Yet I can never count them all— So good is God to me!
I thank Him for unclouded skies— For love beyond my ken— That when my path in shadow lies, The sunshine comes again. I thank Him for the hopes fulfilled— For every answered plea, That though life was not all I willed, My God is good to me!
I go to meet another year, With faith no doubt can dim, God reigneth, and I will not fear, But trust my way with Him. Then if that way be bright or dark, Let peace unshaken be! And let me, like the soaring lark, Sing “God is good to me!”
Refrain. |